Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Canada's Tryanny Extends Beyond First Nations

Attempts to eliminate the First Nation people continue. However, there is a new twist. No person in Canada is safe.

Harper's government has effectively steamrolled a bill that hurts Canadians as much as it hurts First Nations. It is very much like the cry for help that Attawapiskat put out to the public. What if you called  an emergency and no one came? Who will have the government answer for the government's own actions?

First Nation people stand as the stewards of this land. If the only definition that can be understood means ownership, then we will use this term. First Nations stand as guardian-owners trying to hold back the assault on makotchi, mother Earth that will see the destruction of all Canadians.

Why is the Harper government ramming through so many changes unrelated to finance or economics? What is the real ploy of the government and why is disabling First Nations necessary?

First Nation people assert that all things are connected and inter-related. This concept is in our teachings and in our connection and relation to the land and the cosmos. Therefore where others might see separation and compartmentalization we see the connection. 

This government is concerned with perpetuating the hierarchy by setting breaks for the elitist top percent of Canadians. It is evident in the tax credits that award people with higher wages tax credits for their children valuing wealth over the human element of a child. 

This means wealth is the indicator, these children and this hierarchy will be protected. The legislation goes on to change the Navigable Waters Act. Changes here mean that pipelines, environmental destruction can continue to ensure the wealthy few enjoy tax credits AND destroy the environment at the expense of all other Canadians. 

The destructive effects of pipelines and fracking will continue to be supported. The wealthy few will enjoy the status quo and protect their position in society. The elimination of hazardous waste review ensures that no one will question economic development that destroys the land. Furthermore the elimination of the science  research and experimental tax credit will stop research that could warn ALL Canadians of possible hazardous developments that accompany pipelines and fracking. 

Changes to the fisheries act from Bill c-38 will also not protect First Nation fisheries and these organizations would be the first line of defence reporting on irregularities or changes that are affecting the fish.

Other departments, such as the Auditor General and separate bodies to review actions are being silenced. Elizabeth May points out that independent bodies are being struck down. Independent review is needed to maintain objective standards. If there is "self-policing" then there are opportunities for potential collusion that could endanger the section 7 constitutional rights of every Canadian to life, liberty and security of person.

Tourism is being discouraged with the requirement of visas for people coming into Canada, why? Is this police state measure necessary?

However the most alarming measure in all this, is that there was a change or MP pension reform included that disappeared from the overall Bill therefore what was the deal? Has this recent discussion in Parliament been a carefully orchestrated scene with deals over personal MP pensions as bargaining leverage?

The federal finance critic voted with the Conservative party to wave debate then parades "on stage" condemning the bullying tactic of the government for pushing this bill through.

Democracy in Canada has three tiers to have "checks and balances" to make the system work. Federal cuts mean the bureaucracy is terrified to lose jobs, so they are writing to save their positions. Harper covered his judicial bases with the recent appointment of two judges to the Supreme Court of Canada in 2011 and another judge appointed this year 2012. Harper's tyrannical legislative actions speak for themselves, not one Canadian can question his authority or actions.

Is this system working for Canadians anymore than it is for First Nations. Attawapaskit put out the cry for help and nobody came. It is time for Canadians to put out a similar call, who will answer this call?