Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Does Canada or Euro America represent the 1st people?

Our people are one with the land, creation and Creator. We were put here for a specific purpose to safeguard and hold these values against all others. The land is not for sale, creation cannot be manipulated and the Creator always has the final say.

We have an election race happening in the USA right now. Will either party make big changes or acknowledge our people in this land? Tyranny and greed stole this land from the original people. Our people were wiped out by disease and wars waged where women and children were killed. This happened in this soil we now walk on.

Where is justice for the Native American First Peoples? We have ties to this land that pre-date any man made justification arguments. If we consider that First Nation people walked freely in this land with systems of law and governance then it follows that today we should walk in the same manner. However we do not.

Our reserves or reservations are the last tie to our original stronghold and we have third world conditions. Third world conditions when we are sending money elsewhere to help the poor and starving children of other continents. Wake up North America! The poor and starving are in your own state, province or community.

If you don't know this truth or fact then we need education curriculum changes. Correct proportional history would have Native Peoples history taught for 10/12 months followed by settler history. We need our perspectives about the coming of Wasicu/wasiju settlers to be recorded, written and taught.

This is necessary to begin an honest dialogue that will lead to positive change. This change begins now. We are here now. We are proud, strong and remember our original ties and responsibilities.

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