Saturday, 17 November 2012

Reinstating Indigenous World Views and Laws

The war waged on First Nation people has never diminished. What is it about First Nation people that threatens mainstream society to the point that current Canadian legislation and policy seeks to silence our voice?

Our people have a history and connection to this land. If we lose our languages, customs, traditions and ceremonies we cannot go anywhere else to regain them. Our philosophy is simple. We live in harmony with the land respecting Creation and the Creator. We acknowledge that we are a part of the cosmic snapshot, we do not control it.

The society that has developed on Turtle Island, since the first newcomer landed, has sad roots. The tyranny and oppression that the visitors now settlers, fled, has resurfaced in this land. There may no longer be the divine right of kings but there is now a divine right of money, materialism and individualistic goals. The institution of monarchy and church were merely shams to control all other human beings. We had no such system. We were equal to each other and also to our brothers and sisters, the animals and plant life around us. Why is this a terrible perspective? Why do our voices continue to be challenged and silenced? 

It was decided by "the powers that be" that we needed education. We have it. We then turn a critical eye on the existing system only to meet angry justification and opposition. We have completed this necessary step towards "bettering ourselves" now in turn we are trying to better the convoluted thinking that has taken over this society.

How can we expect our children to care for the planet if we do not. If you choose to not have kids, amass fortunes and live a "good life" while on this planet, great. However, you cannot take your money or property with you into the next realm, so is there something wrong with this system? 

A system that is built on property and money is doomed to fail. There is a global limit for available property holdings. Furthermore, if money is accumulated by a small percentage of corporate businesses or owners then they control the market, government, law, and all else. If a society measures success in terms of wealth then the wealthy have become the new monarchy or royalty. They too will go to great lengths to protect their holdings.

This is why the First Nation system, where all people are fed, housed and acknowledged continues to threaten the existing system. There was no hierarchy of individuals but there were levels of competition with limits. Competition was encouraged in group activities that led to warrior, hunter or artistic pride assisting the greater good. There was no personal accumulation. Accumulation was to be a  tribe or band's collective effort to plan and survive for winter or hard times.

The clash of world views continues as First Nation Indigenous people will not accept the "civilized" ways of mainstream. With resource depletion, environmental duress and continued excess, Mother Earth, Ena, is launching her own response. The prophecy of our ancestors is here. We now live in a global village where our actions affect each other therefore, we can no longer destroy in isolation of other states. The original laws of our people have to be re-instated to restore harmony in this world, for all our sakes.

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